Labels:book | bulletin board | cabinet | daily | reckoner | silver screen | sky | windowpane OCR: Technical Specifications Processor Interfaces Mouse MC68030 32-bit internal Two Appl Deskiop Applc Desktop Bus moise Harvard architecture connector tommunication with merhanical tracking: 15 667 -negaherz clock with keyhoard, mouse pue optical shaft or contacl encoling frequency other input devices over low at 3.9i 0.39 pulse per mm Built-in Paged Memory speed synchrnus serial 1us t100 10 pulses per inch} Management Unit (PMMU) 030 Direc:t : lot : suppxarting of travel 256-byte instructicn and Fa1I 32- -bit address i and dua data caches lines through 120-pin Euro-D[N Fan connector 10 CFM radial Coprocessor ['w RS- 232/RS 422 scrial MC68882 flcating unit [HITIS 230.4 kilolaukl naXimum Electrical requirements (follows IEEE slandards) (up to 0.92) I megabit per line voltage: 120 (o) 240 clock ...